Has anyone seen the challenge on Instagram where people are shuffle dancing to the song What is Love by Haddaway. It is fun to watch and has made me think about love, what the world thinks about love and what the Body of Christ thinks. Especially as I have been through a trial lately. And what does the Lord say about trials? To count them all joy. I must admit I have failed to do this instead ending up losing my peace and ending up in a place of confusion. I was starting to feel alone and disconnected, even though I knew that many have been praying for me. However, God was so kind to me and let a friend know that I was struggling physically and emotionally, and she has been praying for me. We met for a coffee and she blessed me by buying me a coffee and sharing what God had shared with her.
A year ago I was going through another trial and asking for God's help. The situation I was in was not an easy one and I was wrestling with the right path to take. One weekend I was on holiday in Auckland and I usually stayed with my sister, but her house was full as we were about to celebrate her 60th birthday, which was an absolute blast by the way. But because her house was full, my husband and I had to rent a motel for the weekend, and I was in such turmoil and confusion and I decided to go for a walk to find something to eat. I stopped in at a pub around the corner to get a meal and as I sat waiting for my meal a friend who I used to work with over 30 years ago turned up. The first time I had reconnected with her was randomly running into her walking around One Tree Hill and she said that she did not usually walk that way. I was absolutely blown away that she was there yet again. It was a reminder to me that God knows, He sees me. An encouragement I so needed.
From the intervention of my friend just over a week ago, I was able to change my mind set, to once again stand on what God had told me. It gave me strength to cope with the challenge of going through surgery.. I am so grateful to God, and also to my friend for being obedient to what God had shared with her.
This weekend I have had the privilege of hearing some teaching from Geoff Woodcock who is the founder of Freeslaves.org He encouraged us to seek the Love of God and to love one another as Jesus said to love one another as I have loved you. He has also written books in The One With Christ series to help people to seek the Lord and encounter Him, that you can get for free at onewithchrist.org. He encourages us to get together in groups of three or four so we can really meet each others needs and operate according to divine design. To find out more you can contact info@oneanother.net
So what does love look like? What would Jesus do? It is a good question to ask. What can we do differently? Let's ask Him.