Over the years, I have been seeking God for healing. Healing for myself in my body and heart and healing for others. Have you, too, needed healing, spirit, soul, or body?
As I look at the example of Jesus in His word, I see that all who came to Him were healed. There are so many scriptures to support the manifestation of healing in our physical bodies as well as emotionally.
For me, on this journey, I see that not all are healed when we pray. Why is that, I ask? You may ask also, but is this such a good question when we will not know the answer? I think it is important to ask, so we can find some peace in our hearts over the issue.
I don’t think, though, we will ever truly know the answer to the question in our lifetime. Continuing to ask, why? Will it bring peace? Or an excuse to be bitter or angry? To withdraw from God? Or will we continue to worship Him no matter what happens?
My father died at age 41 from brain cancer. His sister prayed for him, a spirit-filled faith-filled Christian, yet he was not healed. The reason I was given later was that my father had to die so my sister and I could become Christians. What? To me, this was creating an explanation for why he was not healed and developing a false theology. Didn’t Jesus die for our salvation, and wasn’t that enough? I believe it was.
I believe that healing is God’s will for us. And that He wants us to have a long life and that He will show us salvation. Psalm 91
Even though we may not see the miracle when we want it, God will often provide another way. For me crippled with chronic nerve pain, God led me to the Lightning Process, a brain retraining process that teaches a practical way how to take every thought captive. It settled down my nervous system. I recovered, I would say, by 90 percent. Still, I would enjoy healing in my body, for example, from a recent shoulder injury, and I would like a new spine not bent with scoliosis.
This year I have been reading and meditating on the Word.
Three books I have found helpful are:
The Healing Dare by Amy Keesee Freudiger
Divine Healing Made Simple by Francis Jonah
God’s Creative Power for Healing by Charles Capps
As I have recently pondered on this issue, I think of one of my favorite scriptures is 2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.
But what happens when life doesn’t turn out as we would like it to? This week, He has reminded me that nothing separates us from God’s love and in this I find comfort.
Healing is a mystery that we don’t know all the answers to.
There are so many aspects of healing, nutrition, dealing with emotional trauma, relaxation, eliminating stress, relaxation, and, of course, spiritual. There is so much to discuss in all these areas! But remember:
Romans 8:38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Your are already healed.Pray for the manifestation of your healing.Your Dad was healed on the other side as were my Mom and Dad.They suffer no more in the presence of God.