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Dealing with Storms in Life

Elizabeth Marie

Today someone gave me a challenge about what I believe.

Looking at Romans 8:28

In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

So as Christians, do we trust that although we have troubles, as Jesus said we would in this world, that God will work everything out for our benefit? Do we relax and be happy knowing that everything will be alright in the end?

So as I look to Him, I know He will lead me through the troubles. Some challenges, like those the disciples had to face, may even lead to death. But God is always with us, and nothing can separate us from His love.

I realized that so often, I spend my time looking at the storms in this life. I look at the storm; I talk about the storm. I obsess about it as if all of my self-made efforts will impact the storm. When I think back over my life, I have to laugh as God has helped me through many situations with a miracle. He has also led me, sometimes warning me not to do something, and at times I have moved ahead at my own expense.

For example, God advised me not to self-publish my first novel, but instead to wait. I published it anyway. However, I found that one of the publishers I had approached wanted to publish my novel and if I had waited, I would have saved myself money and would‘ve had a totally different experience.

So now, when I hear Him say to wait, I obey Him. Even though, in my mind, it makes no sense. I may even choose to behave like a toddler and have a tantrum, if I am honest. But I know now, through various experiences, that even though I want a different outcome right now, I choose to trust Him. That what He has in mind for me is infinitely better.

The waiting, however, for me, is not so easy. But I am choosing to repent of my childish behavior and worship the infinite, eternal God, who I know has my best interests at heart.

And I pray I will find peace and joy on the journey. I trust that you, too, will find peace and joy. May God bless you wherever you are as you deal with the challenges of life. May you know Him.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

For holiday reading, check out as Sara and Ezekiel navigate the challenges in this life. And for my first novel got to



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